Nagoya, Naka-ku, Higashi-ku, Tempaku-ku, salon to deploy a beauty salon in Nishi-ku,nIt is the official app of hair make WINNER (wiener beauty salon).
■24時間いつでもネット予約・担当者のスケジュールが確認でき、予約がとれる時間がすぐわかる・名前や住所、メールアドレスなどのわずらわしい入力は一切不要。初めてのご来店の方も簡単な入力だけで予約可能。■マイページ機能・前回のご来店日時が確認でき、次回ご来店の目安に! ■メッセージ機能・ご予約日お知らせメッセージ配信・お得な情報メッセージ配信■ Online reservation 24 hours a day・ The schedule of the person in charge can be confirmed, and the time for making a reservation can be understood immediately.-No troublesome input such as name, address, email address, etc. is required.First-time visitors can make reservations with just a simple entry.■ My page function・ You can check the date and time of your last visit, and use it as a guide for your next visit!■ Message function・ Reservation date notification message delivery・ Delivering advantageous information messages細かな調整を行いました。